The following is from Dr. Monique Ruberu. Hours are still needed to be filled. Visit

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

[We have] such an awesome story to share…at 777 the pro-abortion escorts often play music to drown us out as we try to speak to the moms going in. That music is often demonic, or crude…rarely tolerable and nice… So by the grace of God working through a donor, we purchased a nice speaker and mic so we could share Christian music and speak to the moms over their noise. 

I knew the moms on the sidewalk could hear us, but Marlene, Pat, and I prayed that the moms could hear us inside as well… well today the officer told us that Lynn (elderly pro-abortion escort) was complaining about the loudness of our music => the officer pointed out that the only reason we have music playing is that they started playing music and he had observed the interaction for the past few months… then she said – “Yes but their music is disturbing them INSIDE” 

SO PRAISE GOD!!! The moms can HEAR US INSIDE!!! – I told the officer I’d be happy to stop our music if they do t play music… I’ll just use it to talk on my mic – directly to the women inside 🙂 

Guys when we show up to do this work for God it is very important that we first feed our souls in preparation for this work… please do spend time daily in mass, in prayer, in scripture, in meditation on Jesus, in adoration… in the Word of God especially …the closer you allow yourself to get to Him… the more you allow Him to fill you…the better your work will be. 

August To Do List

August is upon us. We are also entering the second full month since the Dobbs decision.

We are seeing many back to school commercials, summer deals, and for the whole nation the political ads as we are less than a 100 days away from the general election.

Here is a list for the month of August

  1. Collect items for children in need of school supplies
  2. Take part in prayer vigils in your community
  3. Make a Holy Hour for Life
  4. Volunteer to make blessing bags with your group
  5. Recruit new members on campus, your parish, or even at school
  6. Make plans to attend your state March for Life
  7. Host a pro-life movie screening and raise funds for pro-life PRC or for a mom in need
  8. Make meals for the homeless
  9. Give a talk to youth and or young adults about the pro-life message

Happy August


We’re halfway through 2022. We have so much to celebrate, especially the recent ruling from the Supreme Court.

Now, that we will navigate the first full month in a post-Roe society, there is much work that needs to be done to build a culture of life. There is no victory lap.

Summer is upon us, yet we still must be present outside of abortion facilities, pregnancy resource centers (with the threat of the summer of rage from the pro-aborts), and even those from all walks of life

  1. Take part in prayer vigils near you
  2. Contact your priest and request a Mass be celebrated in thanksgiving for the reversal of Roe v Wade
  3. Donate to Crisis Pregnancy Center
  4. Brush up on pro-life apologetics
  5. Write op-eds for your paper
  6. Continue to recruit new people to join your respect life group at your church
  7. Help the elderly without air-conditioning or alone
  8. Host a BBQ/Shower for moms who courageously chose life but need help.
  9. When traveling, take part in a prayer vigil at the city of your destination

Make this your summer of service for the needy and marginalized.


Philly Youth Philly are gearing up for another Holy Week. Last year, they were in awe of the fact that the annual tradition was back in person after going virtual.

Mission Youth Philly is a group of high school, college students, and young adults that proclaim the gospel to all of the marginalized in the community. Reaching out to those on the margins at the most vulnerable stage is no different than the homeless, the drug addict, or even someone who needs to return to the faith with a contrite heart.

The event will begin with a 9AM prayer service outside of Planned Parenthood (1144 Locust Street). After the one hour of prayer in front of the devil’s layer, the youth will go around the city, carrying crosses made of real wood, sharing the message while offering to pray for those in need. Each intention the youth collect will be nailed to the cross and offered during the Good Friday service at the cathedral.

In the afternoon, the students will act out the Stations of the Cross with a procession from St. Patrick’s in Rittenhouse Square to the south lawn of the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral.

There is still time to register if you’re a high school or college student for this amazing and faith filled event. You have options for one day, five day, or even the entire Holy Week depending on your availability.

It will change your life.


We are just days away from the 2nd Annual Philadelphia March for Life. The speakers have been confirmed. We know many across the Greater Philadelphia area will descend on the City of Brotherly Love to give voice to the voiceless. All that is missing is your loving presence.

Here is the layout of the day

7:55 AM- Rosary at Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral. Come early if you like to join pro-lifers in filling the mother church of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia with prayer.

8:30 AM- Catholic Mass with Father Dennis Gill along with co-celebrants

9:30 AM- Interdenominational Prayer Rally on the south lawn of the Basilica

10:30 AM- The March begins at the Cathedral and ends at Independence Hall. Along the way, marchers will stop for a witness at Philadelphia Women’s Center where 6,500 babies are murdered on an annual basis.

12 noon- Rally


The cathedral will have parking space at a limited capacity at no charge. Arrive as early as possible. Offer a carpool to those who want to go.

If taking the regional rail, get off at Suburban Station and walk to the cathedral. Be sure to consult the SEPTA app or website if in doubt.


The stage is set for the 2nd Annual Philadelphia March for Life. Now, all pro-lifers have to do is get fellow pro-lifers to come out to attend.

Members of the Knights of Columbus, clergy, seminarians, faithful pro-life warriors, high school and college students, missionaries who evangelize to students, and families are asked to attend this event.

The cathedral will provide free parking. Be sure to plan accordingly and arrive early.


7:50 AM- Rosary at Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral

8:30 AM- Mass celebrated by Fr. Dennis Gill

9:30 AM- Praise and Prayer Rally on South lawn of Cathedral

10:30 AM- March begins from 17th and Race and ends on the north lawn of Independence Hall. There will be a stop outside of Philadelphia Women’s Center

12 noon- Rally begins

Be sure to dress warmly.


Kristan Hawkins- President of Students for Life of America

Michael Geer- Pennsylvania Family Institute

Toni McFadden- author of Redeemed and pro-life activist

Pastor Herb Lusk III- Pastor of Greater Exodus Church in North Philadelphia

Pete DeMaio- PLU board member and activist

Dr. Monique Ruberu- Pro-Life OBGYN, leader of 40 Days for Life campaigns in Philadelphia

Sister Maeve- Sisters of Life

Fr. Chris Walsh- Pastor of St. Raymond of Penafort in Mount Airy area, chaplain of PLU, and record holder of the longest homily preached at three hours.

Volunteers are still needed for set up and clean up. Visit to find out how you can help.


Happy March.

Soon, we will spring into spring with warmer weather, spring cleaning, and along the way embark on our Lenten journey as it begins on March 2nd. Remember to abstain from meat during all Fridays of Lent including Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

Here are things you can do this month to promote life

  1. Arrange for a baby bottle drive to support pregnancy resource centers
  2. Sign up for an hour or so outside of abortion facilities during the 40 Days campaign. Bring a friend or two with you. Bribe them with food or coffee if needed.
  3. Donate diapers and other maternity needs to mothers in need
  4. Offer a Holy Hour for those involved with abortion
  5. First Friday and Saturday devotions.
  6. Write letters to the editors containing your pro-life message
  7. March with Philly Pro-Lifers in the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 13th. Learn more here.
  8. Take part in the 2nd Annual Philadelphia March for Life.
  9. Attend the opening Mass for 40 Days for Life on March 5th at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral. Mass is 5:15 PM
  10. Attend any 40 Days for Life opening, mid, or closing rallies in your community.


We continue our 40 Days for Life preview series. The second vigil site is no stranger to every pro-lifer in the Greater Philadelphia area.

Philadelphia Women’s Center, which sits five floors above a daycare, accounts for 6500 murders a year. 90% of the victims are African-American.

In its 11th campaign, pro-lifers have stepped up their game. They overcame jeers from Heather, the security guard, one escort named Shawn resorted to violence last year against an elderly pro-lifer, but it got him into hot water and told to never return. They even overcame scare tactics from Lynne Molter, professor at Swarthmore University, who videotapes pro-lifers being peacefully present. In the end, pro-lifers have persevered from time to time.

The hour of operations are from Tuesdays to Saturday from 7 AM to 4PM. They are closed on Sundays and Mondays.

To sign up for vigil hours, visit here.

The campaign will run from Ash Wednesday (March 2nd) through Saturday April 9th. Bring a friend or two with you.


You could be one of the faithful warriors standing outside of Planned Parenthood either praying, sidewalk advocating, or just being present.

As pro-lifers gear up for another 40 Days for Life campaign, Voices4Life takes this time to preview what to expect as we prepare for the Lenten Campaign outside of Planned Parenthood in the heart of the City of Brotherly Love, filled with darkness and hatred from those who claim that “#lovewins, #noplaceforhate, and my favorite #blacklivesmatter when a majority of the abortions are perpetrated on black unborn lives. Love will win when we offer compassion, love, and mercy to women in their hour of great need. Pro-lifers in the greater Philadelphia area are encouraged to make a Lenten sacrifice by giving the pro-life movement an hour or more of their time to save lives. The Lenten campaign runs from Wednesday, March 2nd, and ends on April 9th.

The 40 Days for Life Campaign will be present outside of Planned Parenthood in Center City Philadelphia for the 16th time.

During the previous campaigns, there has been much growth, many saves, and even many encounters. The main reason is because of faithful warriors stepping into the breach, whether old, young, retired, young professional, or even a student in the pursuit of knowledge gave an hour or more to help turn the tide of the abortion battle on the streets with prayer, fasting, and alms.

You too can make a difference. You are encouraged to take an hour or so during this Lenten campaign. Bring a friend or two with you.

Visit to pick your hours now.

The hours of operation are Mondays through Saturdays from 8AM to 5PM


By now, we are all tired of hearing that pro-lifers only “care about pregnant women” or “they’re just pro-birth”.

There’s always an opportunity to prove them wrong while making their heads spin.

Here’s a list of things to take with you and while in DC when encountering the homeless

  1. Pray for them
  2. Toiletries
  3. warm clothes
  4. gift cards to restaurants
  5. Buy an extra meal for take out and give it to homeless near you
  6. Help them get access to nearby homeless shelter