Guideline to Parking at Planned Parenthood in Warminster


from Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition Board of Directors 
This regulation was sent to you possibly about 2 years ago about the parking at PP.  Since the Bucks County offices moved out of that location, there is new ownership.   For those of you who are new to volunteering at the prayer vigils at PP, we appreciate your attendance.  There is a strict enforcement for parking which this message should serve as a reminder to all of us and not just those who are new.  We are not permitted to park any where in the big parking where the PP building is.  That means no parking on either side of the 2 driveways left or right.  Also some people have parked in the Mac Truck parking lot directly across the street from PP.  Please do not park there.  The owner is concerned about the big trucks that have to go in and out of their parking area.  The best place to park, if you are coming from Street Road,  is in the parking lot just past the Seeton Turf Warehouse  at 620 Louis Dr., Warminster.  If you are coming toward the Seeton Turf Warehouse from Ivyland Rd. and the warehouse is on your right, park in the parking just before the warehouse.  Do not pass the warehouse.  Otherwise you have gone too far.  The reason:  most of the offices are empty. 
It is extremely important that we abide by the rules to avoid any consequence.  Please forward this message to others whose names may not be on the pro-life mailing list as far as you know.  It is better to be safe than sorry.  Please see the sign attached that shows that vehicles can be towed away.  The “supervisors” of these lots have been patient and generally considerate about the request.  We want to be able to continue to have vigils at PP especially now with the passing of the horrendous COVID-19 Relief Package that funds for more abortions here and overseas since 2010 in ridiculously astronomical figures.  We are making progress but the terrible challenge is still ahead of us.  And don’t give up.   
You are encouraged to go to PP when you can and as often as you can especially those who live nearby.  Yesterday the PP parking lot was full all the way around to the back, 2 escorts, the man in the black suit and someone with a clipboard asking people to leave the parking lot that was just mentioned.  Prayer is needed greater than ever. 
Biden and his death cohorts are out to exploit the unborn, women and children big time.